Its been a while since my last blog, but there hasn't been much to talk about as we all plodded on through another lockdown and home schooling session. Now at long last it seems like there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
The Rule of Six returns next week for outdoors entertaining, we've a while to wait before we can show off all our home makeovers but at least we can begin to plan!
Relish opening hours will remain Tuesday - Saturday 9am - 4pm. The tent is up outside and some benches are out. Currently this is all we are allowed in the way of seating.
Mid April sees the reopening of Greyhound Antiques and tables and chairs being added to the outside seating area. We will be keeping to the current menu of take away only during this time.
Mid May is when things take a giant leap towards getting back to normal. The Rule of six applies for inside entertaining (whoop whoop!) and the re opening of the café side of life for Relish and with it the next re arrangement of the deli, the layout for this is still in the planning stage but we are really hopeful that this will be the final re fit for awhile.
Late June is our first date for a Food Festival, we will be standing at Filey Food Fest, which is June 26th and 27th. I very hope to see you all there, don't worry we will remind you nearer the time.
And although this seems like a very, very long way off Supper Clubs will return to the deli in September, 19 months after the last one. We will be kicking off (pun intended) with a Charity Dinner for SJ Barker who will be partaking in the Ride of their Lives at York Race Course on 24th September. Dates and menu for the supper club to be confirmed.