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How to create the perfect Cheese Board

Relish Style

As Christmas beckons here in the shop the fridge shelves are beginning to bulge and we get asked for all sorts of wonderful cheeses. So; how do you create the perfect cheese board? And is there really anything that shouldn’t be on it?

Start with the Cheese: This might seem a ridiculous thing to point out, but first of all have a think about what you’re serving through the evening and that will help you decide on how many types of cheese you’d like to go with. Old school thinkers will tell you there should be a hard cheese, a blue, a soft and at a push a quirky, seasonal or local variety. Sometimes I just serve one cheese, something that just looks too perfect to cut down in size. It can be a bit of a gamble, some people just don’t like blue or goats cheese no matter how amazing you tell them it is. And do be careful about unpasteurized cheese if any of your guests are pregnant. But if it’s just personal preferences, more often than not they’ll give it a try and often be pleasantly surprised. One Christmas Eve we ate Stinking Bishop with truffle honey, a pairing I would never have thought of. Honestly I thought I’d died and gone to heaven! It was totally delicious and I’m not much of a fan of stinky cheese.

Once you’ve chosen your cheeses put them on the plate, even still wrapped in paper, I’m not being daft here but it will help you see how much room you have left to fill in with biscuits, fruit etc. And then it’s just down to personal likes. How many types of biscuits or bread you want to serve. Are you going to add fresh fruit or a fruit jelly? Have you got an amazing jar of truffle honey that really needs to play centre stage, or perhaps a bottle of homemade liquor with great legs? The best cheese boards have something for everyone. From different types of cheese to sweet and savoury snacks to crackers and cured meats, the best cheese boards leave no one behind.

Start with the board. Cheese boards are typically assembled on a slate or wooden tray, which may be square, rectangular, or round. But if you don’t already own one, don’t feel like you need to go out and buy one. You can also use a plate, a cutting board, or even a baking sheet. Any flat surface will work.

Select the cheeses. Try to include a variety of flavours and textures by selecting cheeses from different families.

Add some charcuterie…aka cured meats. Prosciutto, salami, chorizo, or mortadella are all good options.

Add some savoury. Think olives, pickles, roasted peppers, artichokes, tapenades, almonds, cashews, or spicy mustards.

Add some sweet. Seasonal and dried fruits, candied nuts, preserves, honey, chutney, or even chocolate.

Offer a variety of breads. Sliced baguette, bread sticks and a variety of crackers in different shapes, sizes, and flavours.

Finish it off with some garnishes. This is a great way to give your cheese board a seasonal touch. Use edible flowers, fresh herbs, or additional fruits to give your board the look and feel.

The Cheeses

Offer a variety of savoury and sweet ingredients. The truth is everyone likes their cheese a little different. Some like it savoury, some like it sweet, and some like a combination of both. The best cheese boards have something for everyone.

Offer a variety of textures. Because eating is such a sensory experience, a variety of textures makes any cheese board more interesting. Consider ingredients with various textures such as creamy, crunchy, crumbly, gooey, and crisp.

Use cheese markers to label cheese so everyone knows what they’re getting.

Bring cheeses to room temperature before serving in order to bring out their true flavour.

Don’t forget the knives, spoons, toothpicks, etc.

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